headstand yoga
a nice prep pose to get you ready for headstandsshirshasana is dolphin pose. it makes you learn how to use your tripod which is mainlyyour base for your headstand. so coming to hands and knees, we're going to drop the elbowsright underneath the shoulders, and always measuring off to make sure your elbows aren'ttoo far apart, grab a hold of either side of the arms. without moving the elbows, makingyour tripod clasping the fingers together,
headstand yoga, now not clenching, just let everything berelaxed so you can evenly distribute the weight. coming into dolphin pose, tuck the toes invery slowly with the breath take a nice inhale, now as you exhale, lift those hips up to thesky, let your feet be a good hip-width apart, and you want your hip pointers pointed straightto the sky. now your head, the crown of the
head is facing the earth, but it's not restingon it. then i'm going to start thinking about my tripod. i'm equally pressing into my tripodfrom elbows to wrists, fingertips to wrists, back to my elbows, equally distributing theweight. this will strengthen the shoulders, strengthens the arms, getting you ready foryour headstand. if you want a little bit of extra in this pose, build a little bit ofstrength, you can come into dolphin push-ups. take a nice inhale, as i exhale i am liftingthe head pressing forward, tuck the tail bone, and then pressing right back into dolphin.you can do that as many times you like to prepare for your headstand. i'm going to comedown very slowly, taking a nice inhale, exhale lowering down the knees, and pressing intochild.
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