kino yoga
hey, guys. welcome to yoga with adriene onadriene's travel edition. i just got out of the car, a long road trip withmy boyfriend. and we are in beautiful seattle now. i think we're at colmanpark. we just landed at our airbnb, which is just gorgeous. and the weatheris beautiful, and another perfect day. my ass is so sore. i don't know if it's thehiking or i don't know what. never mind. my ass is sore, my glutes aresore. we've been in the car for a long time. i think it's from our mount rainierhike. so, i'm just going to do a quick little wake up call for my tired,weary travel body -- not that
i'm complaining. but just a quick stretchfor the glutes, so hop on the mat okay, so we're going to start in mountainpose. inhale, palms up to the sky. exhale, palms to your heart. i'm movingkind of fast here, but you can move nice and slow, slowly lifting up yourright leg and crossing your right ankle over the left thigh. then, gentlyfolding forward, nice deep breaths here as we breathe into the outeredge of that right hip; breathe into that right booty cheek. and then slowlyrolling up and shaking it out. and onto the other side inhale, palms up.exhale to the heart. left leg comes up, crosses over the right. and we bowforward. i must have been in a
party mood here, because i'm moving reallyfast, but again you should move nice and slow. move at your own pace, checkingwith the head and the neck. breathe. and unraveling, we inhale up andexhale back down. okay, this is where we go flat on the back.same thing, but now with the support of the earth beneath us, crossingthe right ankle over the left thigh. eye of the needle taking the rightfingertips through the hole there; left fingertips interlace behind thethigh, pulling those knees in towards the heart. for a deeper stretch you can gently draw thenose up to your knee. you can
straighten that leg, point and flex the foot.find what feels good here, and find that yummy stretch. unravel. takea nice, deep belly breath in. and onto the other side, crossing the leftankle over. eye of the needle, threading the needle there; left fingertipsgo through the hole. right fingertips come to interlace. and again, wecan lift the nose up to the ankle. we can straighten the leg there, breathinginto the outer edge of that right hip. and now for a super baddha konasana, solesof the feet kiss together. we take a nice, deep breath in. and exhale out.crossing the ankles, grab the
outer edges of the feet. rock it up. you cando that a couple of times if that feels good. and now we'll do baddha konasana sitting upnice and tall, interlacing the fingertips, bringing them around the can also grab the ankles here. rolling up, nice long spine. then seeif you can keep the spine nice and long as you bow forwards. you may notgo all the way forward at first, but a nice, slow bow there, eventually lettingthe weight of the head bow over; and then unraveling when you're satisfied.
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