lesbians in yoga pants

[music] hi, i'm dr. frankie, and today i'm responding to a question that was submitted to, "ask dr. frankie" by stacy, who resides in new york city. she writes... yes!! yeess! if you want to

lesbians in yoga pants, keep the sexy on, between the two of you farting, and belching and pooping and peeing with the door open and all of that... that's not going to... maintain.... like we want to maintain

this mystique and this like..... sexual... thing between us.. and when our partner is farting and burping in front of us it's not sexy. so it's absolutely okay to say... "you know what, babe.... "...i would prefer that you not do that in front of me. can you please try you best... ... to do that in the restroom. and when you use the restroom, please try your best to close the door. so important! so happy you submitted this question

because we really want to extend.... right?! for as long as possible our desire for our partners and this is one way... that we can do a quick change to make that happen. thank you so much for submitting this question to "ask dr. frankie," and good luck.


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