lotus yoga
ardha baddha padmotanasana. it's half bound,it's actually half lotus with the forward fold. so we're going to find the balance inthe soles of our feet. and we're going to see if that we can't inhale to lift leg. comeinto version, some people oftentimes called this a version of tree. but the key is goingto be to get the heel in to groin, into the hip crease. and then find your balance sothat you're lengthening the spine. this maybe
lotus yoga, your pose for today, but if this feels comfortable,the hips are level, the knees are relaxing, there should be no discomfort in your knee.again, make sure that you're able to externally rotate that left femur to protect your knee.if that's not available to you, this pose may not be available for you. the next thingis going to be to hinge from your hips. so
if you have our blocks, just kind of presentyourself here, evaluate what's going on in the body and then as it becomes availableto you, releasing. this is a nice pose to stretch your lower back, relaxing the shoulders,this pose is going to be presented on both sides of the body. using the breath, usingthe strength of the standing leg, just pause to evaluate your body. finding your blocks,finding the strength and stability of that right leg, slowly use your inhale to inviteyourself back to a standing pose.
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