metrowest yoga
interviewer: today is april 23, 2014, andwe're in arkansas spinal care and neuropathy treatment center. sir, what is your name? steve: steve williamson. interviewer: all right, steve, so tell mewhat brought you here. what conditions were you suffering with before you came here toarkansas spinal care? steve: i had back and neck pain and numbnessand pain going down my right arm and everything. interviewer: how far down your right arm didit go? steve: all the way to the tips of my fingers. interviewer: was it bad?
steve: yes, it was. interviewer: tell me about it. explain howit felt and how often you dealt with it. steve: well, the tips of my fingers were sonumb i couldn't pick anything up or hang onto it. i'd be dropping it all the time. the painin my arm, it would just be miserable, especially if i was driving or just trying to sit andrelax. and all that's gone. interviewer: back, leg, arm, everything? steve: leg and arm, yeah. i came in also wherei fell on the ice and hurt my ankle pretty bad, and it's completely well now just fromthe laser treatments. interviewer: yeah, that day when you camein and you said that you twisted your ankle,
i said, "well, we'll just do some laser treatmentson that." after one or two treatments, how long did it take you before that laser helpedthat ankle? steve: oh, i'd say probably about four treatments. interviewer: about four treatments. steve: then that's when i really noticed thepain going away. it would feel better after each treatment. it really would. interviewer: like remarkably better, or justa little bit? steve: no, remarkably. it would take a lotof the pain away. by the next day, it might be hurting again, but then after about thefourth or fifth day, the pain started easing
up quite a bit. it's gone now. it's completelygone, and i feel great. interviewer: awesome. thank you. i'm sureyou went to a lot of different doctors. most of my patients have been around the blocka time or two with healthcare. what else have you tried to help with this, and what didthey tell you? steve: i went to the doctor first about it,the family doctor. they'd done a mri and said that i had some kind of swelling in and aroundmy spinal cord or whatever and that's what was causing my pain in my arms and the numbness.they referred me to a doctor in seracy [sp], which that doctor told me i needed to havesurgery. i didn't want surgery, and that's when i came here.
interviewer: okay. steve: and i'm glad i did. interviewer: thank you. overall, what haveyou seen with my other patients? because you've been here, you know how they've done. whatwould you say about the experience here in the clinic and the overall results? steve: i would say i had only heard probablya couple people say that they're not sure if it's working or not. everybody else thati've talked to or seen, it's just done remarkable for them. there's a few of them that i justcouldn't even believe with my own eyes, just how they come in here. and then now they'vewalked out of here and they're doing even
better every day that i see them now. interviewer: awesome, steve. i appreciateit. what would you say to somebody who needs this care and this program? steve: i'd say they need to come and see youand try it out. interviewer: thank you, steve.
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