mighty yoga
being, becoming and knowing when one thinks of this vast universe, one'smind expands, takes the shape of the universe and becomes even largerthan the universe. the vast constellations. the stars, the suns, the planets are easilycontained within this expanded mind.
mighty yoga, the entire universe is swallowed up by thisconsciousness and yet there is room for more. when this very same mind thinks of the tinyelectron and its invisible functioning within the invisible atom, themind shrinks and takes the shape of that electron-it
becomes thetiniest of the tiny. so, then, what is the nature of this wondrousthing which is called the mind? it can become larger than the largest andmore subtle than the subtlest. it is a mystery and a wonder. the greatness of man liesin the fact that he is the master of this magnificent instrument. yet,despite the possession of such a marvellous
apparatus, he falls prey tosuperiority and inferiority complexes. why? it is because. he lacksunderstanding. it is because he does not understand the realnature and value of his own self. in this scientific-computer age, it is anaccepted fact that all the various appearances, the entire galaxy offorms and names, are merely associations of atoms.
the atoms themselves are nothing but associationsof energy particles. energy, in turn, is only manifested truth. truth isthe static or primordial state of energy. when energy particles areassociated, they take on an appearance which is recognized as a formand is identified with a name. here, from the smallest particle up tothe greatest mass, the functioning of consciousness remains limited tothe first stage, i.e., pattern, precision and regularity. when inorganicform becomes an organism, and acquires the
ability of sensing, thesecond stage of consciousness, i.e., cognition, experience, and discri-mination, emerges and starts functioning. when organic life developsfurther, consciousness blossoms forth as the sixth sense in man. this is the evolutionary process, whereinthe truth, passing through the stages of energy and mass, manifestingitself in various stages of consciousness, can be designated as being,becoming and knowing. the absolute, static or primordial state isbeing. the energy and massstate is becoming.
the state of perceptual function and realizationof consciousness is knowing. the entire objective world of forms and names,from the mighty constellations to the tiny electron is onlythe one, supreme, total, absolute, all-embracing truth.
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