naked yoga porn
hi. so, this is our photographer, melina. she'll be taking a photograph of your vagina today. ok. i'm a little nervous
naked yoga porn, because i should be more comfortable with that area of myself. i'm excited about it, and for my husband to see it,
and i'm just curious to see what happens. a little bit. move back a little bit. right there? ok. (laughter) like a gynecologist! i feel very vulnerable. i guess i feel kind of embarrassed, but i don't know why. ok. it's like, a lot more wrinkly than i thought it'd be.
i guess, like, you know, if you're watching porn, there's like, the "perfect vagina." no wrinkles or anything. i thought i'd be more comfortable looking at this. i don't like that there's hair around it. it's like, man, maybe i should like, give it uh, like a lift down there and make it smooth. it's not as ugly as i thought. it looks different than it did when i looked at it in college.
i had very heavy menstrual cycles. i started at 9. i lost an ovary after i had my babies. i had to have c-sections. it just looks older. i'm literally comparing something that's in my underpants to somebody else's that you see, you know, on porn. it's like a part of me that i just push to the back of my brain. i feel like i shouldn't feel that way,
so i'm kind of judging myself for even having that feeling. just to be comfortable with that would be amazing. so now i'm going to show you a picture. you know, it's cute. i like it. he's just smiling.
she's had a baby, you know? so, uh, it's just kept its form, i guess, is a good way to phrase it. it's almost picture-perfect. (laughs) it kind of reminds me of the love we had in our 22 years that we've been together. and how much happiness we've had together and, there's a small mole on the left side that i've always really liked. it almost looks like a painting.
it's something very vulnerable. it's beautiful. it's strong. i would just like her to be happy with it. i don't know. i feel like i'm shaking, trying to describe this! i just think it's so beautiful. here you go! were you listening? yeah.
that's funny. there's wrinkles on my vagina! yeah, i'm pretty open usually, but like, i'd never looked at it on the screen. i like, really try to be strong about it but you know how i'm always like, "i think it's ugly." i got really sad. why? because... that i'm like, not even familiar with that part of my body. and the fact that i feel like i'm not supposed to be.
i love you. i love you, too.
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