sivananda yoga

pose ten of the sivananda series is crow pose,kakasana. we're going to have resa here demonstrating it. it is an arm balance, a hand balance.and, resa does a lovely job. alright. we're going to have you come into a squat. now,first thing you need to do is make sure your hand placement is proper. so, you're goingto bring your hands down. now, you're going to have them about shoulder width apart andthen turn the fingers. a little bit wider,

sivananda yoga, resa. there you go. and, fingers just slightlyturned in. now, lifting the hips up slightly bend the elbows. and, you're making a littleshelf for your knees to go on. so, place your knees on your shelf. keep the head lookingup. please remember, if you're looking down you're going down. we've got a pillow therefor her just in case. and, she lifts the legs

gently off the floor coming into beautifulcrow pose. don't hold it very long when you first start, about ten seconds. that way youcan work up to about a minute holding the pose. take a nice inhale. exhale, gently releaseit down. perfect. drop down to your knees. and, release down into child pose. beautiful.maybe, shake out your wrists a little bit twisting the wrists a little bit going bothdirections. and, breathe.


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