soul of yoga

who am i? let us answer the question "who am i?" the body is a mass of atoms. the atoms are the action-state of matter ortruth. the soul is the group-function of etherealparticles.

soul of yoga, these particles are the dynamic energy oftruth. the mind is the projected state of the soulwhen it functions within the body. everything is truth or matter in the primordialstate. the soul, mind and body are the evolutionarystages of truth.

there is nothing in the whole universe excepttruth. so the answer to the question "who am i?"is "i am truth". in understanding this, one surrenders theconcept of "i" to the almighty. even the sound "i" is nothing more than theaction of truth-almighty. in the illusory state, because of restrictedsensations, living beings think that each of them is a separate entity. but in the perfection of the sixth sense manrealizes the one present within the many. when a man understands this ultimate and divinetruth, as well as its existence and junctions, when he lives according to that understanding,he will enjoy a peaceful and blissful life.

ignorance of this truth leads man to short-sightedness,intoxication with sensual pleasures, and emotions of several kinds. these lead to problems, pains, and miseriesin life. when a man achieves self-realization, he gainsa breadth of vision, mental equilibrium, and other such noble qualities, and wants to beof service to others. this enables him to lead a life of peace andbliss. have you awakened your kundalini force? begin your journey of consciousness today.

visit be blessed by the divine,krish murali eswar.


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