soul yoga
laziness is the main obstacle in the path of enlightenment. or laziness is the main obstacle...who you really're never going to know. so, laziness prevents you to do the spiritual sadhana. and spiritual sadhana is very important in order to know who you really are. and it is normal that people get lazy physically.
soul yoga, because physically people are not feeling good. they are not feeling comfortable in the body. maybe something is wrong. maybe you ate the wrong food. or you overate. something's wrong. you have to check it.
keep your body active always. stretch early morning. maybe a little sun salutation. a little stretching, even. or go outside and breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. keep your body always active, because first thing, you have to keep active your physical body. because your mind belongs to the physical body. your thoughts belong to the physical body. your brain belongs to the physical body. if you're physical body is not healthy, nothing will work for you. so, i strongly suggest to you keep yourself very healthy, especially very active.
how you make it active? always in the morning think positive. as soon as wake up think positive. i want to do today...what? i want to breathe in, breathe out. go out 2 minutes. and stretch a little bit. when you stretch, your body gets active. when you get active you don't think uselessly. you think something creative or constructive. that's the way. physical body is a very important instrument. not to be lazy. be active always. laziness is the humans' main enemy.
get out of it because when you sit in the spiritual sadhana your body might feel discomfort. but that is called kayaklesha. kayaklesha means like you will feel a little bit if you sit in the one posture even one minute, two minutes. and then you do your sadhana. and the rest of the day you will feel very happy and comfortable that you have done something good for the day. be active always and don't get lazy. do it early morning. get out of this laziness. and that is your main enemy. deal with it. ...the correct way.
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