standing yoga poses
virabhadrasana ii, warrior ii. i stronglyencourage that you have already watched this warrior ii in the first series. warrior iiis a another lunge, as all your warrior poses are, but it works on external rotation ofyour legs, so one of the ways that you can get that done is with a strap. you're goingto belt your strap; loop your strap. then you're going to take your strap around theleg so that the loop is in front, and then
standing yoga poses, bring the strap, the tail through. then you'regoing to have the ability; watch what happens to jennifer's leg as i pull this back. it'san external rotation. and she can do this, both legs. hold this, hold the strap, i'lldo that leg. she, by herself, can perform external rotation. so you want to have thestrap, the loop in front, and then bring the
tail through, so that you're pulling this is an external rotation.
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