steve ross yoga

utthita trikonasana, extended triangle withblocks. so we'll use an inhale starting in tadasana to soften the knees, lift the armsand you have the options to step or hop your feet wide. stepping or hopping three to fourfeet apart, and then we'll use the inhale to turn the left foot out, angle the rightfoot in slightly. keeping the hips so that they match the front of your mat, keepingthe shoulders so that they square to the front

steve ross yoga, of the mat, the inhale will lift both arms,the exhale will shift or kick your hip out as you reach, keeping length in your, it's not always going to be available to you to get your foot or your hand to thefloor. so we're going to begin, that's going to be our first place that we're going togive jennifer a block. she's going to be able

to support herself on the block. the nextthings that you want to look at is, it's not uncommon to hyper extend your knee. this issomething that you deal with. here's another place you're going to use the block. you'regoing to present the block on your calf and then as she presses, she not, doesn't havethe ability to take that knee into hyper extension. with the support of the block, it's goingto allow her to maintain this pose for up to two minutes and then changing on to theother side.


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