sun and moon yoga

so now let's go ahead through the sun salutationon the left side. it's important to switch sides each time you are going through a sunsalutation. you want to do a full one on each side, repeating anywhere from six times totalto, some people do a hundred and eight, so, it's up to you, whatever you want to do. andas you're breathing, try to take long deep breaths into the belly. so let's start inmountain pose and we'll inhale, trying to reach up through your four counts as we inhale,exhaling through your four counts. and continuing to breath in that way, stepping back withthe left foot, inhaling, exhaling. inhaling, exhaling. inhaling, exhaling. inhaling, exhaling.inhaling, exhaling. and you can move faster, a little bit faster through the sun salutationif you want to create more heat. you can move

slowly to build strength, your choice.


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