teen yoga pants
in case you don't already know yogapants are these cool tight pants and a lot of women wear fur or exerciseclasses most chicks in yoga pants look really good they come in all kinds ofcool designs and and bright neon colors they're quite literally i can theymagically squeeze in the lower parts of the female body to look like a betterand will fit version than the original
teen yoga pants, by better you mean more attractive yeahi'm into all shapes and sizes so you can be big you can be thin i like it allwhen you hop in those yoga pants it just makes whatever better to say anythingabout the cool colors and i can do you talk about that yes like a min ago iwasn't paying attention
yoga pants really that new idea becauseback in the eighties. eighties! what's the eighties yeah i'm from the eighties andthat old they had the same kind of pants it was just really tight i think they'recalled spandex but they had his g string type thing on the outside and pull it upto ram the g string in the ass in separate the crack and it just lookedgood more attractive i don't know if anybodythis generation knows what that stuff looks like people in my generation mightremember watching the disney channel back when they were a little kid inearly in the morning it seemed like an exercise show
where they were aware of really sexyoutfit for being you know you're being a little bit like i didn't know what tothink other than wow that was good to get wet so come on a workout bottoms back in the eighties show on tv called20 minute workout this is the 20 minute workout most important muscle in yourbody your penis was like three or four hot chicks would like zooming in on thebudget stuff like that in the whole platform be turning around with youwould just keep showing and i was just three hutchings working out i don't knowanybody worked out to the show jerked out to that show how can guysdon't have cool colored gym pants we got
pretty much basic black pants with awhite stripe or white pants with a brown strike we did it was called spandex inthe eighties and all like bodybuilding do the kind of work i remember i used towear everywhere ok so here's my eighty spandex story iwas at my brothers house whole family gathering and i was sitting on the edgeof the pool this little girl comes up to me and everybody's around and she pokesme right in the balls she's like why do you had tea bags in your shirts and i'mlike everybody else was like oh my god i fucking cock and balls my question is when you saw him comingclose to your balls and you didn't tell
it to move can you picture that a dbag know what is your tv a popsiclenow in the eighties and now that you'll get pants what's next i'd like to see yoga pants with trypsinmore holes in them to reveal even more scared hell yeah so what do you guysthink about all this fitness fashion you like the 80 style dlike to yoga pants bloody just wanna see it covered up and baggy stuff like thevideo hit the like fun and please subscribe a lot of other things too like musicvideos and funny shit and i'm back
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