the hot yoga spot
whether your yoga practice consists of oneor two poses or an hour long series of poses, you’ll want to finish with corpse pose.corpse pose is considered to be the most important pose in yoga; and it’s also the most enjoyablepose in yoga for us, for most of us. so, corpse pose is very simple to set up and you’llwant to make sure that the phone doesn’t ring, that the door’s shut and the lightsare low and stretch out the legs and set up
the hot yoga spot, a comfortable place where you can lie out – where you can lie with your body extended. and tuck in your chin, roll down onto yourback. it’s very nice here to have support for your head, if you have a blanket or atowel to use. and you can practice corpse pose with the knees bent and the hands foldedonto the belly. you can also practice corpse
pose with the legs straight and a little bita part and you can have the palms a little bit away from the body but the palms faceup. relaxing the eyes, closing the eyes if you’re comfortable, and coming back to thateasy, full yoga breath letting the belly button move away from the spine on the inhale andletting the belly button fall toward the spine on the exhale. this is a pose where your mindand your body expose the benefits from your practice. where your muscle groups integratethe re-education that they have been experiencing through your practice. it’s also very wonderfulfor you endocrine systems, the glands, thyroid, pituitary, adrenal – just some of the importantglands in our body. and corpse pose, you can choose to stay there anywhere from five minutesto twenty minutes. and when you’re ready
to get up, bending the knees, rolling to oneside and pressing your way up to sit. and then bringing the hands to the heart, withthe thumbs lightly resting on the sternum, bowing the head to the heart.
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