yoga by degrees

raise that right leg all the way up to thesky. come forward. tiger curl it in. set the right foot, drop the back knee. inhale. join the thumb tips together. draw apart, draw your belly in. lift your back hips as you open up. exhale.step forward, bow your head down. good. inhale, all the way up to standing. big deep breathe in. and then bring your energy down to your heart. good, look to your left and right andlook deeply into the eyes of the person next

yoga by degrees, to you and say namaste, i love you, namaste.we are one, namaste. good. now we're going to get a little more funky. so you're goingto follow on. make sure you take care of yourself, but we're going to make it a little bit morefunky. bend your knees. sweep your arms down. brush the floor. inhale and reach the armsup. pause here for five breaths.

see if you can draw your knees back over your heels and squeeze your outer hips in towards each other. and lift.


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