yoga instructor certification
advanced yoga teacher traininghi i'm roger and i'm albina and we are the leaders of yogaone studios' lead to inspirementorship program, which is at the heart of our ryt300 yoga teacher training. the intention behind this program is for anyyoga teacher to bridge their ryt200 to ryt500 certification with the yoga alliance.
yoga instructor certification, we take the tools that we've acquired overmany years of teaching , from our teachers, and take the best stuff from everything we have done up until now and condense it into a really inspiring program, to bring you fromwhere you are into a whole new level of teaching. we have developed very specific tools in orderto do that.
in this program we continue to hone and developthe skills to deliver a powerful and inspirational yoga class. we learn to see and work with subtle thingslike seeing and running energy in hands-on assists. we also teach you how to practice advancedhands on assists, like piking into a handstand, forearm balance, scorpion, etc. we teach you how to grow and develop community,how to create a really fun, inspiring, positive community with your students, fellow yogateachers, something that we have at yogaone. in short, we teach you how to stand in yourpower, so that you can teach others to do
the same and leave people in their greatness.
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