yoga inversions
hi, my name is leta koontz and i'm a yogateacher at schoolhouse yoga located in pittsburgh, pennsylvania and i'm here today on behalfof expert village to show you, to demonstrate and to teach you some inversions. so, if you'refeeling pretty comfortable with half shoulder stand, go ahead and work on coming into fullshoulder stand. so, begin the same way, bring your back into the mat coming into bridgepose, coming into half shoulder stand pose,
yoga inversions, and then when you're ready, go ahead and startto bring the feet up off the floor. start to walk the hand up the back. again, keepingthe forehead and chin level with the floor. if you can, hold here for ten to fifteen breathes.and to come out of the pose bring your feet back towards the hips, slide the hands downyour legs, keep the belly pulled in and come
back onto the floor.
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