yoga laptop

- hey guys, this is austin and today i'm here with a video on one of the most interesting products i've seen in quite awhile. this is the lenovo yoga book.

yoga laptop, first of all, i've gotto give a big shout-out to lenovo for sponsoring this video. tablets have been boring for quite awhile. however, this promisesto spice things up a bit.

so the first thing that jumps out to me is this is seriously thin. i think part of that isdue to this crazy hinge. that is such a cool touch. on top of that, it's easy enough to do with pretty much with one finger. and i might be wronghere, but it looks like it has a camera on the keyboard. so i guess my thoughtis that when you want

to take a rear-facing shot, the camera is on the keyboard. that is actually kind of cool. it's all metal, it's all glass. it's got this nice softtouch finish on the keyboard. i can't get over how cool this hinge is, just watching it. it's such a cool design. you can bend it all the way back,

lay it flat, close it up. this feels like a really high-end device. and honestly, for $500 this is a lot more that whatyou should expect to get. this is really nice. so before we got too in depth on this guy, let's see what else comes in the box. because this has a couple

of interesting accessories, honestly. it's more than just what it looks like. oh wait, this is paper. so one of the cool things about the yoga is that if you set thepages down on the keyboard, it using some touch magic,it will actually allow you to write on real paper and digitize it. i'm getting a little excited. it's rare to find a new gadget

that actually has some legit, like, actually cool features. i mean, look at that. this is like straight out of the matrix. like i feel like what when i was younger, i figured in 2016 i wouldbe using one of these guys. whoa. so, there's no actualphysical click on it at all. and you can see that whenthe actual yoga is on,

it lights up. but that feels really interesting. there's a little bit of tactile feedback. it's something you getused to reasonably quickly. after a couple hours, i felt myself close tomy normal typing speed. the lack of physicalbuttons is understandable due to just how thin the yoga book is. you've got quite a fewoptions to customize,

including the touch points, which learn and readjustbased on your typing. this all works together with the real pen, which you can use with a normalstylus tip as a drawing tool or swap with an ink cartto draw with any paper over the keyboard, and it'll translateinto a digital drawing. this is really cool stuff fortaking notes or sketching. and one of my personalfavorite features is anypen.

turn this on in settings andthe touch screen will respond to nearly anything conductive, which is seriously entertaining. i can play with this all day. that screen also happens tobe a great display anyway. it's a 10.1 inch, 1920 x 1200 panel that has solid color and brightness. inside it's rocking anintel atom x5 processor, four gigs of ram, and 64 gb of storage

with microsd expansion. interestingly, there are two models. there's the standard androidedition that i have here, but lenovo also has a yogabook that runs windows 10. the android version hasbeen heavily customized with features like a navigation bar and multi window support. and it generally works pretty well. you'll occasionally run intoan app that gets confused.

this hardware's so coolthat i honestly can't wait to get my hands on the windows version to see what it can really do. the yoga book is totally unique right now. it works well as a laptop while not compromisingon being a good tablet. if you're looking for a portable device for getting work done, it'sdefinitely worth a look. so what do you guys thinkabout the yoga book?

let me know in the comments below and big shout-out to lenovo for making this video possible. if you want to know more, go check out some of theother videos on the yoga book and i will catch you in the next one.


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