yoga lesbians
hey guys! today i'm here with my lovely son amanda could that be our christmas card? you're strong! you are so strong! for those of you who haven't seen amanda's channel she does some crazy shit just livin' my life with all the spunky teens amanda we shouldn't make videos! we just shouldn't make videos together! i feel like we should just tell 'em
we gotta just tell them we filmed this video i recorded the whole video in slow-motion so no audio and it's in slow-motion and we tried to dub it so [dance break] are you sweaty?
i'm sweaty i'm so sweaty we are such good people because we're gonna do it again ding! i'm so sorry amanda and i'm so sorry! habanero! that's a "halabanero" pepper- "halabanero"!
this is pretty spicy and... oh, no! you did it! no, you did it! i don't care no, i care. i care a lot i care a lot about this right now [screaming] ok, right. you're ok no, i'm not no, i'm not!
ok, alright, ok amanda! i can't do it i ate all the seeds and i can't do it [little scream] i can't do it. i can't do it why is the floor wet? when did the floor get wet?
did i pee? help me! where's the milk- i'm vegan! oh, shit, why are you vegan?! are you okay? no! shit, shit, shit hack! let's look for those hacks
let's look 'em, just look 'em i don't know! there's gotta be a hack! i'll just look for it aggresively dancing i'm so sorry! last time we nibbled it! she put the entire thing in her mouth! i nibbled it! i feel like satan's asshole was my mouth
i feel like i just gave satan a rimjob i almost threw up look at my face, amanda! who are you? this was way worse than the first time check out the video we did on my channel we covered ourselves in penaut butter and jelly and we hugged that sounds so much nicer than this let's do that
i wanna we're the suckers you're right i will just see you...later bye tell my story please i almost just threw up i still might do it
no, i won't
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