yoga one schedule
hi everyone my name is alenka dearmin and i'd like to tell you a little bit about myself and about blissful yoga. my yoga sessions are just like everything else i do, they are very creative inviting
yoga one schedule, spontaneous and playful i'd love to invite you to come out and practice with me in the park if you're local here in laguna or in orange county,
please come and practice with us if you're not if you're far away just watch one of my videos and come join me at one of the powerful retreats i lead, once you do and you do experience my sessions you will immediately understand why i call my practice blissful yoga. i blen serious core work, strengthening and stretching
with instant chu movement and draw you into the beautiful energetic and spiritual world it's deep inside that is where you begin to find the deeper understanding of the universe that is within you. i truly believe it is my job to teach you to find your path and it is actually is my job for my students not to need me anymore so that they can
create their own practice based on what they need anywhere they are no matter whether they have access to me or not blissful yoga is a transformational mind body and soul practice it is found within. within your heart it is based on what we need right here and right now in the present moment it's constantly evolving
and changing based on right here and right now the physical asana the breath work and meditation are just few of the many tools that i use to facilitate deeper inner connection and to help you find your state of bliss
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