yoga outlet

hi. i'm theresa murphy on behalf of expertvillage and in this clip we're going to look at our final relaxation pose. encouragingan opening through the chest and the shoulders. again, effecting the arms, and wrists, andcarpal tunnel. so relaxation is so important. and deep breathing and openness through thechest is so important, not only for wrist health and arm health, but for your wholebody health. so this pose is invaluable for any practice, for any thing that ails you,really. so we'll be in a prone position but would like to support the chest open in thisposition today. so i'm going to use a bolster and a blanket. at home you could use a stackof blankets, or pillows from your couch, or whatever you have. so the blanket is in asimple folded position. i'm just going to

fold it again and stagger it a little bitabove the edge of the bolster. i'll set my hips just in front of the bolsters edge andi'll use my hands to support me as i lie back. bolster catches me in my low back. the blanketwill catch me just below my shoulder blades. and i sort of traction my spine back as igo, getting a big lift in my chest and through the front of my armpits. then i can use theblanket; create a little bit of a roll in it to support my head. i let my legs go long.i tuck my shoulders back. let my arms go by my side. relax and breathe.


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