yoga pants banned

brian. thank you pete. 3 a lancaster county middle school is considering banning students from wearing shorts.

yoga pants banned, in less than an hour, parents and administrators will meet at garden spot middle school to discuss the

dress code change. news 8's justin betti is there. justin? the announcement was made in a letter sent by the school's prinicipal -- jeffrey starr -- to parents back on june 13th. ...but many parents aren't happy with the idea -- so they're meeting

tonight to explain the reason for the decision, as well as to look for possible alternate solutions. the school's current policy is all shorts must be fingertip-length -- meaning at or below the students fingers when standing. but administrators say

that policy is too difficult to enforce ... so they're looking at an all-out ban. the rule would not apply during gym class or special events... and it would only apply at garden spot middle school, not at other schools in the elanco school district.

i'll be here for the meeting tonight, and i'll have a full report at 10 and 11. back to you.


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