yoga pants butt

(upbeat music) - yeah, i like big butts. - i like big butts on men and women. - i want a big butt, but because i'm a guy i don't feel like i'mallowed to want a big butt.

yoga pants butt, everybody wants a nice ass. - well, i think anyone with a bigger butt gets a lot of attention. - his butt booster.

- right away it kinda feels like a bra. - so, there's like the title tag and then on the back of itthere's no other information. - here's my flat butt. (twinkling music) oh my god, i'm so happy in these. - so i just put the underwear on. my pants feel very filled out. and these pants are likeusually totally filled out

by just my natural ass, but like damn. - i sat down in a chairright after i put this on and i can tell why people withbig butts have such big egos. 'cause they're so highup, and i'm into it. it'll be interestingto see if anybody else can tell the difference. - your pants look tight. oh god, why is it so hard? - it kinda feels like a real butt.

- oh, that's a firm butt. - thank you so much.- (tall man) good job. - i did people do squats for a month. - do you like it? - no, it's kinda weird. - (laughing) oh. - one benefit of the bigbutt that i will miss is that when i sit on people's laps, they don't talk abouthow bony my cheeks are.

- i think before ithought i was more happy with the shape of mybutt than i actually am. and i think going throughthis just made me realize i actually don't want the explosive like nicki minaj butt that i think i want. - i think i had the most funi've had in a really long time. the grass is greener, let me tell you. it's fuller, too. - [voiceover] what do you think?

- i think i like thereal thing better, but... - uh, uh, uh - where is hr?


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