ashram yoga
gina kennedy: we're going to flow two posestogether using a block to ensure that we keep the proper alignment. so, we're going to useextended mountain pose and intense pose. and so, i'm going to ask faith to just step forwardon the diagonal, and she's going to place this block in between her thighs and squeezeher thighs; that helps her thighs to internally rotate, pressing down into all four cornersof her feet, squeezing her shins into her calves, tilting her tailbone down and drawingher belly in for the strong half of the mountain pose. then, she's going to lengthen up outof the sides of her waist, reach out through the crown of the head, the shoulders are upand back, extending her arms up to the sky, inhaling in, and then as she exhales, she'sjust going to take a seat right down into
her chair pose, and notice how she has tokeep the pressure on that block so that she doesn't drop it. good, pressing her tailbonedown. good. she's going to inhale and lengthen up, so lift up into your extended mountainpose, maybe even taking in a slight little back bend. good. then, exhale and drop down,drop her tailbone down, come in to her intense pose. one more time inhaling, pressing intoher feet, internally rotating the thighs, lifting up, maybe a little arch in the spine,and then exhaling and flowing right down into her intense pose. the block really helpedto keeping her spine in alignment.
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