balance yoga center
hi my name is maryann with clever yogaand i'm here to show you how to increase core stability and some of your plankposes using the clever yoga stability ball so placing your ball on the centerof your mat like using the small size for this one go ahead and gently lower yourself downso that your's belly is in the center of
balance yoga center, the ball this creates a really nice pivot pointfor you as you can see i can kind of roll around here and you can also dothat just placing yourself in a plank position
just kind of roll up to the side to theside but i like getting here because then i also like lifting my arm oppositearm opposite leg and this is gonna to really test my core stability becausei'm not placing my weight any longer on just my hands and my feet a lot of myweight is in the center of this ball and this ball is not stable so i had tostabilize it really using my core and focusing on flexing all those littlemuscles just to stabilize it so after taking a deep breath in that in thatposition go ahead and switch arms to the opposite side and as you can see i'mhaving more trouble with this side you can go ahead and keep your toe, downon this particular movement and just go
ahead and focus on trying to do it now it'stoo difficult with a straight leg you can go ahead and bend your leg up you can also just do your leg one at a time and then focus on doingyour arms one at a time as well but this is a really great movement to helpstabilize your core for those plank poses to find out more about the cleveryoga stability ball and check out cleveryoga . com click on the link below or search themon amazon and get your clever yoga ball today
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