balancing yoga poses
so, standing with your feet together, you'regoing to balance on your left leg and bend your right knee. first, just hold the kneeor even hold the shin, and notice how, in order to balance here, you have to engageyour leg muscles. spread your toes on both feet, even, and actively push through thefour corners of both feet. from that stability in the legs, see if you can lift the kneeup, a little bit higher and reach your hand, your right hand, to the hold the outer edgeof the right foot. also, one more thing to pay attention to. the standing leg, here it'syour left leg, it will want to push forward, see if you can instead, take this standingleg back. you'll actually find that it's a little bit harder, but it's much more stable.keeping the standing leg back, lift your heart
up, you can even stretch one arm out to theside. it's a glorious balancing pose, take one more breath and then release.
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