beginner yoga stretches

so this next one we're going to do two variations.for my friends who have tighter hips and you'll know very quickly, we're going to offer analternate pose, it'll be better. so first we start with fire log pose. the front shin,you want it to be parallel with the front edge of your mat. then you take your othershin and stack it directly on top, so that top leg the ankle is right on top of the knee.then you'll notice that the legs are like a little bit lifted up cause i'm activelypushing through the inner edge of my feet. you'll also notice that both sides of theankle are even with each other. you want to keep that fingertips to the earth and lengthenyour spine. now this can be a super big stretch for the outer hip muscles, so it it's toointense or you find that your knee is like

way up here, there's no way to get in to it,then i want you to cross more of the center of your calf muscles, so the feet are in linewith the knees. and just work there again, pushing evenly through the inner edge of thefeet, keeping both sides of the ankles even, steady commitment in the legs and then bigopening in the hips. and release.


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