beginner yoga video
swan pose is going to be the opposite directionof pigeon pose, where you're prone. so, you're working on extension to the spine rather thanflexed and in an upright position. so, bring your front leg with a slight turnout so you've got your heel pointed towards the inside thigh of the back leg. weight isdistributed in the back leg above the knee joint. you're opening up the hip flexor musclesin the back leg. and, you're going to have an active quad in the front leg. and, we'regoing to leap with our chest. and, again try to relax and breath. soften the pose first.make sure you've got full active range of motion before you release into a prone, beginning your hands can just be right here in back of you. and, as you feel you'vegot more strength and control over the movement
you can bring your hands in front. try notto rest fully on the thigh. you want to keep your belly lifted, navel into spine and keepbreathing. exhale, roll up. come to neutral. and, again take time to make sure that theheel stays slightly turned away from the bent leg. and, your weight is distributed abovethe knee joint in the back leg. open up your hips, come up, release forward. think of elongationnot slouching, out up and over the top of the thigh. and, as you breathe and relax intothe movement you can get your hips towards that back heel on the bent leg. keep breathing.inhale, exhale. come up, bring your knees side by side. and, release back into neutral.soften your hips as you release out of swan.
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