bend and bloom yoga

the angel flip. this is just a quick preparation on the ground. what you'll want to do is be sure that your fabric is separated, all the way to the bottom, and then when we are in this position in the air

bend and bloom yoga, when you are doing the flip you'll want to start with your arms straight above your head and bring them down to here. now, the fabrics are going to be coming

along here so you don't want your arms to go to close together because you need them to go to the outside but you don't want them to be out in this position. so, here, to here. climb twice separate fabric up in your saddle thread your feet inside to the outside

holding on tightly with your hands right around crossing at your waist. up over your shoulders to the front, bend your knees pike straddle flip over come out put the fabric in front, hold

hold up close to your body and your other arm goes by your head wrap your feet in climbing position. holding on with both hands you're going to slip your shoulders through re-grasp and come on down, or move into another trick.


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