bend yoga

next, going to show you how to do seated forwardbend or paschimottanasana. for those with acute back pain or sciatica with any inflammation,i highly recommend you don't try this unless you consult your doctor. if you need a strap,you may with tight hamstrings go ahead and grab that. you can use a belt, a tie, a sash,a tie from a rope, anything that gives you some resistance. go ahead and you can pullthe extra fleshy part out from underneath your sits bones and flex your feet. slowly,reach your hands up towards the ceiling and bend forward. reaching out, trying to keepthe back flat instead of rounding over. really trying to keep it flat and flex the feet.shooting energy out through those heels and those feet, help take some of the tensionoff of the back. if you find that this is

too much, you can keep the knees slightlybent. and, then slowly bend forward keeping the feet flexed. if you can't reach your toes,that's where the strap comes into play. you can scoop that around your feet. and, thenlet yourself pull forward. and, the goal of this posture is to lay your body flat on yourlegs. but, that takes time and patience. and, some people can never get there. it's justdepends on the structure of your body. so be patient with yourself and honor where youare at the moment. and, let the elbows pull down. shoulders pull down. try not to pullthe shoulders up into the ears. and, just let your head hang. take nice deep breaths,usually about six to eight breaths which is thirty seconds in every posture. and, thenslowly drop the strap. then, roll back up.

and, that's paschimottanasana or seated bend.


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