funny yoga quotes

- i'd run it over. is that okay? ( upbeat latin music) - how much do you period? - how much do i period? - let's find out. - if these kisses were the days of my period i would be three. it's typically three days.

- i'm on my period this many days. - don't want to be aroundme on the first day. i'm very needy, i want a massage. i get on pinterest and justlook at inspirational quotes at my desk and i cry. - my least favorite day islike low-key six and seven. like it's not even likefun it's not like uh i'm on my period, i have cramps. it's like why the fuckis it still happening.

- can we just take a moment of silence for all the beautiful underwearlost during your period. (solemn music) - this is going to make me look real gross but the truth hurts andthey're all coming down. - so there's not even enough panties here to signify how many i go through a year. - i feel like it's atleast one every time. - i don't throw away the panties sometimes

that are just like the periodpanties, you know what i mean? like i just i know who i am. - realistically i probablyperiod like that much a month, but it feels like i period- - can this just be it? - i think i bleed about thismuch every month, more maybe. maybe this whole thing. - period, that's so silly. - it's just like chaos,there's like pain over here.

- so obviously the ovaries are the eyes. - pain over here. - cause guess what?they cry little eggies. - it literally feels likethere's people walking around with cleats on. - oh that's good. - but how much is anaverage box of tampons cost? (squeal) - and then i'll probably somewhere

in there liek ruin a pair of pants. - i go through like oneof those little cartons of midol about a month. - plus moisturizer, pluspanties, plus migrane medicine is 41 dollars a month. - comes to 60 dollars. - oh my god, almost 500 dollars a year. - i spend 720 dollarson my period every year. - i was 12 when i started my period.

i'm 25 now so 500 dollarsa year times 13 years. - 1,440 dollars on myuterus, are you kidding? - 4,675 dollars, alright. - luckily my mom waspaying for most of this for most of my childhood life so- - what can i buy with 4,600 dollars? - i would do anything. - i could have gone onlike a little vacay. i could have gotten a new camera lens.

- i could have probably got a cat. - how am i going to have a kid. i don't know how i'mgoing to afford a kid. i have a period. - i guess it's literallythe cost of being a woman. (upbeat jazz music) - sorry to interrupt but ijust got my freaking period after this freaking shoot.


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