fuse yoga

marcelle lee: continuing from the last posein the warrior positions, i'm going to open the feet up, wider than the hips. big, nicestance. you want to be balance. you see like a tripod, like a triangle position. reallystrong once again. what makes you even stronger is, tucking the hips under, squeezing abs,squeezing buttocks, shoulders up, shoulders back, shoulders down back, opening the armsup, turning the foot out, reaching, looking at your front fingers. now, from this position,we're going to drop one arm, front palm facing out. reach one arm up. and we're going tostretch, stretch, stretch down. looking up at your fingers, you want to have one armon top of the other arm, and breathe. coming up, straight leg, turning this foot in, droppingthe arms, shoulders up, back, and down back

to the other side. opening the arms up, ofyour foot turning out, reaching rib cage, looking at fingers, arm in front palm out.sliding it down, down, down, down. one arm on top of the other, and breathe. and comingback up, foot faces in, drop the arms, shoulders up, back, down back, and let's step together,getting ready for our next yoga warrior pose.


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