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teacher: if you have questionsabout any of the stuff we did then you can just look up one of these videosit will show you how. >> video: because the sine is the hypotenuse over the opposite>> oh wait >> video: and so we've got sine>> teacher: oh, i'm sorry. >> video: is equal to, and our hypotenuse here is x >> teacher: that's totally backwards, it's it?>> video: and the opposite is 10 >> teacher: how embarrassing>> video:so sine is hypotenuse over opposite >> teacher: that's really embarrassing>> video: excuse me!? >> teacher:i said that's embarrassing>> video: oh, i'm embarrassing you?

why don't you come over here and say that to my face? >> well, wait, you're just a video, how could i come over there? >> video: oh yeah?!>> teacher: whoa! >> video: now i'm trying to teach these people how to do a math problem. i don't know what you're saying. >> teacher: hey, hey, hey. stop! stop! oops... i broke it. that'll fix him! stay there! excuse me, folks, i'm going to have to takecare of this.

>> video: how do you like that!?now you're the one stuck in the video. aha! that'll fix him. now i'm the one in control. actually, now i get to be the teacher. all right! now all you's time to do a quiz. get out your phones and do a quiz.


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