gilbert yoga

hello my name is scott soller, yoga instructor.i'm here on behalf of expert village. now we're going to put it all together, our standingposes in context with out traditional flowing movements. we'll begin first in table. fromtable, coming into the downward dog. and you want to be here a couple, three breaths. justgetting comfortable and stable. and then, again, if you want, you can inhale the kneesdown, easy exhale. we'll lead with the right foot to begin with, starting with the lowerlunge. and if you'd like, you can press the heel back and give a nice stretch this ask your body what it needs. then with an exhale, go downward dog. inhale, exhale,chaturanga, cobra, into the down dog and we go right to the other side. again, the easyversion, inhale the knees down, exhale the

other foot. and this is our next; we'll callthis a standing posture. low lunge or a runner's lunge. lengthening into the crown. reachinginto the back heel. then, exhaling, downward dog. you can stay here if you want to go strengthand endurance. you can also rest. inhale to the knees, exhale and rest. arms up at theside or arms out front.


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