girls farting in yoga pants
i get it. it can be tricky because women are complicated, and so are men we speak different languages. like when someone says no we it mean yes and vis versa. you gotta be able to read energy and be physic and mind readers.there's no hope for men are you sick? you wound'nt love me if i was a whale. just being honest. you look really tired wanna have sex?
im like not thinking about havingkids anytime soon. or getting into a committed relationship. whoow! no way, not for me. have you seen my beach ball? it went that way. has anyone ever told you that you looklike that one actress... wow! your legs are likes so spiky! theyre like a cactus. hey princess. you sure you want to eat that i thoughtyou were diet. oh oh! you must like be on your period.
my yoga teacher calls it...lady holiday. hu. no, i love your cooking i can tastethe health. what are your thoughts on like threesomes? your crazy. aww that mustache is so cute. your moody. i think your makeup it's like melting. so do girls like no fart? wow, i didnt know girls sweat.
your sweating more than me. you wanna lose weight...just eat less. i think you might want a mint. men like women with curves you know? what do you think about like openrelationships? back in the day, men more attracted curvy women with hips because we are naturally drawn to women who have like bearing hips. you know like to have babies or whatever.
let me know in the comments below what you think men should avoid telling to women. have you ever heard any of theones i mentioned before if you enjoyed this video make sure totickle my subscribe button by clicking on it. don't forget to useprotection and laugh at yourself. we will see you next thursday.
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