heart butt yoga pants

aaah! aaah! oh! oh! l'm thin! l'm thin!lookat mycheekbones! l have cheekbones!yes! look at my chest. look at my breasts.l don't have breasts. l'm an ''a'' cup.l don't need a bra anymore. oh, god! l'm thin!l'm thin! l'm thin!l'm thin. l'm thin.# nothin' but air there # # nothin' but air theremy ass is gone nowl'm slim, slim, slim ## well, l'll be damned!l can see my dick!

my dick! my dick,my dick, my dick! [james brown ]# oh, l feel good # l can do stairs.l can do stairs. l am the stair master! # l feel good # # l knew that l would now # you lookin' for any kindofclothes in particular? spandex! all spandex!where's the spandex section? oh! spandex!like this!

# l feel nice # # like sugarand spice # my titties are gone.your titties are lovely.what's your name? l can't believe l'm so thin.l am thin. you ever feel thin? l am thin! l am thin.hey, man, where's the apple pie? ## # when l hold you in myarms # # l know thatl can do no wrong # #and when l hold youin my afms #

# my love won't doyano harm # tootsie roll!getyour tootsie! whoo! [ grunting ]# like sugarand spice # [ grunting continues ]# so nice, so nice # # l got you ## l'm thin![ shouting ]l'm thin!


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