heat yoga louisville
managed, and many doctors are encouraging patients to seek other ways to ease their pain. >> 1, 2, elbows up 3, 4 stomach in .
heat yoga louisville, >> my pain was absolutely excruciating. >> first back, then knee pain, and later, a broken neck.
tim mcnally knows severe pain like he knows addiction. and he says yoga is his key to survival >> as i started doing this, after about a week, it was life-changing. >> the former alcoholic now 26 years sober, says yoga
strengthens the core and relieves his pain better than painkillers. >> my pain went from a nine or 10 to a two or three. >> orthopedic specialist ryan krupp says yoga can be used to treat athletic injuries too. and there are more options than
just opioids. >> anything from anti-inflammatory medication to things like yoga. obviously having well balanced exercise is important. >> other alternatives include variations of physical therapy. physical therapist kristin
oliverio says there are a range of techniques starting with basics, like stretching, exercise, ice and heat beyond that, patients can try mirror therapy or motor imagery which are techniques used to trick the brain. and a more physical approach-is
trigger point dry needling. >> we take a fine, hollow needle and we insert it into a muscle that has a trigger point whi is like a tight muscle band. wax that, she says, releases toxins and balances chemicals within the muscle. bottomline, oliverio says
education is key. that's why her clinic is launching new a initiative to educate staff and clients-in the hopes of eliminating fear and curbing the epidemic. as tim mcnally staves off his own pain he's working to combat the epidemic too.
now certified in yoga he's spending retirement helping others climb out of the depths of addiction. >> there's really no difference. one is a pill, one is a drink. it really doesn't matter either
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