hot girl yoga

relationship. ari: i just spoke to delra beach police and they confirm that they say a woman hired a private

hot girl yoga, investigators say that she thought her 15-year-old daughter was having sex with her 57-year-old yoga instructor.

that private investigator looked into it and said yes, your suspicions were correct. let me show you who we're talking about. his name is keith fox and he runs a studio called yoga fox in delray beach. fox made his first appearance

before a judge this morning. he's charged with two counts of sexual battery of a victim older than 12 but under 18. according to police, fox would bring the student to his home for quote, private yoga lessons when his wife was out of town. police say when they first

approached the victim, she denied the relationship but later admitted it was true. >> mr. fox allegedly said inappropriate comments which were sexual in nature than there was inappropriate sexual touching as well. she did confirm that with

detectives. ari: police say fox refused to talk with investigators. fox's attorney declined to comment to us today, saying he's


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