yoga fullerton
[music playing] the trip, in general,for me has been about just doingstuff and just playing and just doing thingsthat makes us happy. i'm originallyfrom north dakota. i grew up in a town of 200. i moved to a town of40,000 and went to college, and it's completely flat,devoid of mountains, no oceans, there's nothing reallyadventurous to do.
i really feel like thatthe world is our playground and somehow we've forgottenas we've grown up, similar to when you havechild and you're giving them all these amazing toysand then you see them playing with the cardboard. and they have a greattime because they are using their imaginationand inventing new things. i feel like theworld is the same and our lives are the same.
so in a sense, as we grow up,we start paying more attention or paying pay moreattention to our toys like our electronics, ourlifestyles, and our clothing. and we forget aboutthe adventurous part. we forget about the cardboard. we forget about the alley that'sdown the road that you can go and set up slack lines. or we forget about justlooking at any body of water and using it as a pool orsomething that you can play on.
if you look a littledeeper, there's buildings that you can climb. there's bridges youcan sleep on top of. there's caves you can explore. there's trees youcan swing out of. adventure's everywhere,and what helped me focus in on stayingactive and engaged in a community that'sflat, is finding a community of people that werealso looking for adventure.
it's been importantfor me in a sense to see how, whiletraveling, we're also more open to seeing this idea. so finding adventure anywhere. when we go on our runand we're like, oh, yeah, we tell our friends,which our the locals, we went on this trail. and they're like, oh,i've never been there. and they've been living inthat place for ten years.
i don't know why i dohalf the things we do. i just do it because it's fun. i don't have any deepmeaning behind them. it was great to get outthere and see everything. that's what it's about. experiencing newthings. doing fun stuff, and inspiring other peopleto get out there and do it.
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