yoga haven schedule
i'm 18 weeks pregnant and haven't felt thebaby kick! how could you tell the difference betweena kick and an elbow at this stage? i haven't felt either a kick or any sharpjab. when you first feel the baby move, somethingcalled the quickening, traditionally happened between weeks sixteen and twenty. you're rightin the middle. i'm the last of my friends to experience it. if you're overestimating the due date andyou're fourteen or fifteen weeks along, you may be expecting something that isn't expectedyet. i know when my conception date is.
that doesn’t mean the baby will stick toyour schedule. so tell me what i should do. try laying on your side and waiting. thenyou may feel that little flutter as the baby moves. i thought i'd feel a kick. the uterus is about the size of a melon rightnow, while the baby is around five inches long. the baby is still floating in a poolof fluid and can twist and turn and wiggle. so i should feel a kick or jab or something. you're more likely to feel motion of the fluidas the baby moves around, though the baby
can kick and flex. i have no idea what that would feel like. there are women who think they felt that slightflutter of fluid motion and it was really gas or indigestion. on the other hand, youmay have blamed it on gas when it really was the baby. i'm not sure which is more embarrassing. at this point in the pregnancy, the baby canreact to loud noises by grimacing or startling. i know that drinking caffeine will raise itsheart rate. and if someone hits an air horn, the babyis way more likely to startle and jump as
much as possible reflexively, and that youmight feel. i wouldn't feel it because i'd be jumpingback instinctively too. then try waiting around quietly late at nightfor the baby to move. they tend to be more active late at night. or parents are more likely to notice it thenbecause they aren't paying attention to the tv or where they are walking or how theirmuscles ache from carrying this load. another thing you may feel is the baby asit twists and turns, so instead of a kick, you may feel the head turning in responseto light or noise. it is dark in there.
shine a light on the abdomen, and the headusually turns away from it. and you may feel that. maybe i should wait before trying that. every day the child gets bigger, the oddsare you'll recognize those movements for what they are. assuming i don't figure it out tonight. cut back on the fizzy sodas and eat smallermeals so it is less likely that you mistake indigestion for baby motion and know thatmovement you feel is the child. and if that doesn't work?
in a few more months, you'll wish the babywould settle down so you can sleep.
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