yoga honolulu

1 59 baird: 29:13 "they are beautiful, beautiful birds but they're all flash though! " 29:16 with feathers like that it's no wonder keepers say the cock-of- the-rock males are all about their

appearance. baird 29:29 "the females are the workers though they are the ones that do all the real -- they are the ones that build the nests. they are the ones that rear the young." 29:36

keepers say the female birds are also beautiful just not as bold -- with lighter brown feathers. nat the andean cock-of-the-rock is found flying around in the tropical and subtropical

rainforests of the north-west part of south america. baird: 36:49 "they are no the kind of birds that soar. so these guys are what we call sub- canopy flyers. they are really good at flying beneath

the canopy." 36:56 keepers say they only fly in short bursts. it keeps them from being spotted by predators. and another tactic of laying low is by laying their eggs in remote places. baird: 32:43 "these guys

unlike a lot of birds we think 'oh trees' go for the rocky areas and they make their nests from twigs and mud." 32:53 as for their diet ... ashley standup "well these guys eat fruits, the females also

like insects. seems like he'll take some grapes today." during mating season females need protein so they add insects to their diets.


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