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and also a healthier diet and smoke less. all that leads us to our next story. regular physical activity over long periods of time can be very beneficial to your health in the long-run. experts say older adults should

be active every day if they want to stay healthy. news 8's hannah mcdonald shows us one senior's routine you have to see to believ >> when i was a teenager i played a lot of soccer in philadelphia. hannah: and world war 2 veteran

albert booth still has his nimbleness >> most people believe i'm in my seventies. hannah: he's 97. >> even the people at the va don't believe it. hannah: with moves like this, it's no wonder people can't

guess his age. >> they're amazed. the doctor out at the va hospital says whatever you are doing, keep doing it. hannah: albert worked at fort indiantown gap in the controller's office before retiring in the seventies.

>> this is my first race, may 27, 1978. hannah: he's made a name for himself as a runner, ever since. albert keeps a log of all his races, times, and the weather conditions. he's completed four marathons. >> i enjoy the comardarie.

hannah: recently, albert ran in the give thanks lebanon 5k. he tries to participate in a the race weekly. -- in a race, weekly. he says his favorite part is interacting with others on the course. >> a lot of the runners say

you're an inspiration. if you can keep going, so can


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