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first - a major update in a target 12 investigators' exclusive - "tough to terminate." (j-mo) we've uncovered a legal fight that could cost taxpayers big.

a superior court judge has decided providence was in the right when school officials fired a tenured teacher. (mm) but the judge's ruling also means taxpayers

may be on the line for thousands of dollars in back pay... because the city failed to meet a deadline to let that teacher go. target 12 investigator tim white has been tracking this story

for more than a year and is here now with the exclusive details. the court's decision comes out six years to the day after the city of providence first tried to fire this high school math teacher.

that's six years of hearings, court filings, and mounting legal bills. after 13 years teaching here at mount pleasant high school in providence. the school department wanted math teacher

bernard mccrink gone. according to documents obtained by target 12: the providence school board alleged five grounds for dismissal: -claiming: he talked about exotic dancers in class, -solicited bribes from

students for grades. -twice failed to leave lesson plans when absent -and poor supervision allowed a student to surf for porn on a classroom computer. after six years of hearings before the

providence school board, an arbitrator, the rhode island department of education and superior court... a judge has finally issued a decision. mccrink can be let go, but it may come at a cost. according to the ruling:

the judge said the evidence against mccrink for eveything but failing to leave lesson plans, was thin. yet the judge ruled the teacher had a well- documented history of problems,

and he could be terminated for failing to leave lesson plans when calling in sick. but state law requires a school district to notify a tenured teacher by march 1st, if they are going to be terminated, or they remain on the

payroll for the next year. here's the problem: the incidents against mccrink happened in may so the judge's ruling means taxpayers may have to cut mccrink a check for nearly an entire school year, that he never worked.

the judge points out the law may be burdensome for school districts. but says it's not up to the courts to fix... the judge wrote: "it is the responsbility and role of the general assembly to address

these concerns." the city plans to appeal the decision on backpay to the supreme court this month. mccrinks lawyer has not returned calls for comment, in a statement providence

mayor angel taveras says: "this decision starkly points out the need to change the state law that mandates a march 1 deadline for terminating teachers the following school year. "

with the t12 tw en now - another story the target 12 investigators broke


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