yoga instructor jobs
- if you graduate from collegeand get a job you’re notsupposed to let that go. it’s kind of irresponsible,maybe like you’ll grow out ofit. i know that it’s not the normalthing to just like quit a joband go live on a yoga ashram, but iwas doing it. this whole process is tool for aspiritual connection.
yoga instructor jobs, my first job was governmentconsulting. i got a lot ofresponsibility pretty early on so i was regularlypromoted. it wasn’t the job that waswrong; i was just restless andready for a new setting. we get really trapped in jobs.
a lot of it comes from likeparents or teachers saying likethis is what you should be doing becauseit’s what they were told. at a certain point you have todecide how much you care whatpeople think. so i started researching placesto go for like a meditationretreat. so i went to yogi hari’sashram officially for two weeks,like that was how it started. my family was kind of not socool with it. my little brother called me likecrying he’s like you’re going tobe like a dirty broke hippy. my mom came to visit me and shesaw that it was in fact not acult, but it’s like a very, prettystrict place.
you wake up at 5 in the morning,do chanting and meditation for acouple of hours, do yoga, do karma yoga, garden,like cut vegetables. it was like the first vacation ihad really had just on my ownasking myself hard questions. it just really changed my life. sometimes people are more openif they know that i’ve hadsimilar struggles. - she’s really been essential inhelping me figure out the next steps business wisewhich ultimately lead to likelife decisions too. - we’ll both go lift your armsup to 60 degrees. keep breathing your breath offire; keep your breath of firegoing.
she understands thecommunication; she understandswhat people want out there. i didn’t understand any of that.i really appreciate the way thatshe helped my business to grow. - my own definition of successhas become more than anything about freedom to dodifferent things. now i feel like i have such anexpensive lifestyle that i needa really high paying job and not reallyapologizing if i wanna be alone.
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