yoga insurance
hi, my name's amy kistler, and i'm going totalk a little bit about liability insurance. what is liability insurance? liability insuranceis insurance that allows a personal trainer to go to people's homes and train awesome thing about this is you're able to reach those people out there that a: eitherare too scared to come into the gym, b: are extremely busy and don't have time to makeit in to the gym, and c: for all those people that just really want to work out outsideor in the comfort of their own home. it's a great way to experience a different typeof training, not just going into the gym everyday and training somebody. you're actually goingto go out to peoples homes and reach out to people, really get to know people, and reallyhelp them reach their goals that they want.
and i'm going to talk to you about the differenttypes of liability insurance. some liability insurance insure you for aerobics, for personaltraining, for pilates, for yoga, and some also just certify you for personal, it's a good idea to go and look out on the website and find which type of liabilityinsurance is good for you. there's sateler, there's personal training liability insurance,there's all different kinds. and there's a wide range of coverage that allows you tohave when you go out to the homes and you train people so that you're not liable ifan injury does occur. another type of liability insurance would be for a person that is self-employedat a gym. they need to make sure that they get liability insurance so that they're coveredfor any injury that occurs while they're training
a person, so that they don't become liable.
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