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hi, i'm katherine brunner, a nutritionist,and today i'm going to show you how to make your own kombucha. it's a fermented tea beverageso we'll begin by brewing tea. it can be any tea from the tea plant so black, white orgreen is okay. and we'll use one cup of sugar for four litres of tea.this tea is already brewed and it's been cooled to room temperature. so we'll take this teaadd it to our brewing vessel and in a brewing vessel you're looking for glass preferably,you can also use glazed ceramic just make sure it's a non-lead glaze. and then is anaerobic fermentation so it does need air to breathe. so you want to choose a vessel thathas a wider top, and you want to allow some space for the top for air circulation to getin.
and then we're going to add our starter orscoby, which is the symbiotic colony bacteria and yeast, it sometimes also called a mushroomor a mother. we'll want our scoby and enough starter liquid for our first batch. if youare ordering a scoby from the internet and it comes dehydrated just make sure you rehydrate it.if you can't get starter liquid you can use a bottle of organic, raw unflavoured we'll pour in our starter liquid and then we'll place our scoby inside. so, if the scobyhas a smoother top, a smoother side, you'll place that on the top. so we just set thatinside and then we'll cover it up with a napkin, so a breathable material, and we'll secureit with a rubber band that will keep dust off of it as well as mold spores or fruitflies from getting in. and then we wait for
it to ferment, so depending on the temperatureof your house it can take anywhere between seven and twenty-one days. so, after the sevendays just start tasting it and it'll go from sweet to sour to vinegar so stop it wheneveryou like that taste. and then, when it's finish, so this is analready brewed set, we're going to do that in reverse. so the first thing we'll do iswe'll take out our scoby and we'll set it aside on a glass bowl and then we'll pourin some of our starter liquid. so, if you're going to be brewing a batch again right awayyou can repeat the process that we've done starting with your cooled sweetened tea oryou can store it so you would put it on a glass jar with enough liquid to cover andagain a breathable covering on the top and
you can leave it in the fridge for severalmonths this way until you're ready to brew, with our finished drink we're going to go to bottling. i like using mason jars. andthen we're ready to cap that. we put a lid on it. the carbon dioxide will now be trappedinside to make a nice fizzy drink. you can store these in the fridge taking it out whenyou're ready to enjoy. it's a wonderful drink to include in your diet a few times a week,rich in probiotic, digestive acids and vitamins to balance your gut, to increase your energyand improve your immune system. so here's to a happy and healthy gut.
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