yoga journal conference
your health is contingent upon everythingyou're related to, it's all interrelated. journaling is simply stream of consciousnessallowing yourself to identify what is going on in your mind, what is going on in youremotions, how you perceive your body, how you perceive relationships, things you lovein nature. it's simply sort of a smorgasbord of appreciation for what's right present withyou. journal writing is not about the narrativeso much as it's about what you're experiencing in the present moment. so it's more like meditationput onto paper. combing different therapies works really well.for instance yoga would support obviously the body and our senses and our intuitivesense of touch and feeling. whereas let's
say we're writing, that's going to improvisethat sense of the mind, creativity, left and right brain, intellectualism, your abilityto think and to be aware of distinguishing your thoughts. and then something like meditation,that's just an incredible practice of watching and witnessing the thought. all of these thingsare really specific and each one really helps to build, it's sort of like a log cabin. it'slike one log on the other and slowly you're building this very strong, wholistic platformon which to feel yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, every way, sexually,everything gets explored which to me is the best type of adventure and the best type oftherapy. the ability to stop, just stop. stop whatyou're doing. and the ability to relax. it
may seem so simple but the experience of gettingout of one's daily life and the pressure, the constant going, going, going, going, andto be able to step off and to simply be still and just start to breathe again, start toreflect on what matters to me? what matters to me? these undercurrents of our being, ofour soul seek expression. and without any time to reflect or to dig, to nurture or toplant new seeds in our whole being, there's no life.
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