yoga upper west side

>>let's sit up onto our blankets. so maybewe'll fold it just like a little bit more. >>these are the blankets, everybody. >>sothat way you have a nice little connection. you're still on the ground but your hips arehigher than your knees which just allows your hip flexers and all the muscles that connectyour femurs to your hips to your spine to just kind of relax a little bit. you're goingto bring your hands in a fist with your thumbs

yoga upper west side, on top to heart center. imagine that therewas this big iron gate at the center of your heart and you were trying to open the gatewith your arms. so your arms are really activated. your biceps, like you were going to the gunshow, are really switched on. >>right. yeah. >>and then start to send some awareness toyour shoulder blades. >>yeah it's there. >>ok

cool! and now start to pull your arms out.we might touch but that's ok. and then look at your elbows and as soon as your elbowsmeet your shoulders, you're going to open up your arms out wide. so i'm just going togo behind you. >>oh am i feeling that in my back? >>yeah. >>what! oh that feels so good!>>ok so at the same time, pull your shoulder blades down so you're not wearing your shouldersas earrings because that's not a cute look. >>no. >>and then you want to keep pushingyour fists out. so you might already feel this in your forearms and your fingers. >>yeah.>>so, awesome. now perfect! imagine that you are pouring your kettle. >>oh! >>so you'regonna tip your thumbs out to the side. >>ok got it. >>keep pulling your shoulder bladesdown. >>oh i'm feeling that. i feel that.

like on the top of my hands, i feel that stretch.>>yeah totally. >>wow! >>yeah take one deep breath in through the nose and then out throughthe nose. and then lift your thumbs back to center and then you're going to spread yourfingers wide and keep your arms where they are, just pull your fingertips back so yourpalms are facing out towards the side. and then engage your shoulder blades again andpull them down your back and that should intensify the pose as well. >>wow! >>and let's takea big breath in through the nose and out through the nose. and then because it's unlock yourgate pose, give yourself a big hug. >>i love hugging myself! >>yeah. and then maybe goto the left and go to the right. >>we're going different directions. >>that's ok. and thenrelease. >>that was...that was magical. wow.


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