yoga videos for kids

greetings my friends. it is i, maximo, and do you know what time it is? yes, yes you do. it's time for for maxarena. hit it. ("macarena" by los del rio) ♫ come and find me, my name is macarena ♫ always at the party (singing in spanish) ♫ come join me

♫ dance with me ♫ and all you fellows chant along with me (singing in spanish) ♫ hey, maxarena ♫ hey, maxarena ♫ arm, arm, over, over, shoulder, shoulder, up, up, cross, cross, hips, hips, swirl. ♫ macarena

♫ now don't you worry about my boyfriend ♫ the boy who's name is vitorino ♫ i don't want him ♫ can't stand him ♫ he was no good so i, ha ha ha ha ♫ oh, la, la shaka, shaka now. are you moving and grooving? yes, yes you are.

get jiggy with it. ♫ hey maxarena ♫ all right. now do you know what time it is? it's time for maximo to eat a tasty banana. ♫ i'm eating a banana ♫ until next time, my friends. adios.


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